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Why Web Developers should learn Vue.js in 2020

Here are some of the powerful reasons for you to learn Vue as a JavaScript developer.

The Great JavaScript Migration

In the last decade, JavaScript has developed a great deal. Most of the code usually on the server-side has already migrated into the browser. Since this has grown quite complicated, there are frameworks to ensure things are more organized.

Vue.js is a highly approachable, performance oriented, versatile, testable, and maintainable JavaScript framework. It also aims at being progressive which means if you have existing application, you may utilize Vue in only a single part of front-end that demands a more interactive experience.

As an alternative, you may integrate more business logic into your front-end right from the start. You require scaling ecosystem and core libraries Vue comes equipped with. Just as with other front-end frameworks, Vue lets you to split the logic of a given web page into some reusable components. Here, each of the components can possess its own CSS, HTML, and JavaScript required for rendering each part of the preferred page.

Lightweight and Ready to Go

Web designers and developers tend to merge and reduce files down to the smallest size possible while on a front end development project. The lesser a user requires downloading, the sooner they can start consuming products. The best thing about Vue.js is that it comes at a small 21kb download as compared to other frameworks. Interestingly, it is one of the smallest in the industry, at present!

Components for Literally Everything!

When it comes to development, modularity is highly appreciated. It is possible to break down each section of the program into reusable parts; all containing requisite logic in single tiny bundle. Vue.js is efficient and highly capable of doing a great job with this. It will make sure in that everything is a component. Now, this makes for a very small change from other frameworks where you may have view, route, component file, and controller. Knowing precisely where to place code with so many choices in hand can create confusion, particularly if you have permission to place the same code in all parts and still have comparable results.

Fewer Opinions, Greater Options

When it comes to creating things with Vue.js, it has very few opinions. It is quite refreshing when compared to other frameworks where you deal with very precise ideas and coding structures centered directly on the framework. You will feel like writing JavaScript. It is possible to step back from the framework while dealing with an issue and approach it in a manner you would do using plain JavaScript. As far as dealing with an overwhelming number of opinions is considered, it is at times doubtful if you can do it the normal way. You may also be confused about doing it a specific framework’s technique.


Most developers and even companies make heavy investment in JavaScript. Node.js can be used by experts for back-end development on various projects. As the project continues, you can learn and develop better standards while using JavaScript. Front-end development is quite heavy in JavaScript. It strengthens one’s knowledge about JavaScript so that they can write plain JavaScript in Vue.js. Developers face the issue of framework blindness. This is a common problem. You may look forward to solve a problem, but don’t know how to solve it just because you have been busy exploring the documentation for whatever framework you’re using. Since Vue.js is very close to plain JavaScript, the solutions exist. These aren’t hidden behind some irrational function in the framework.

An Evolving Ecosystem

Vue.js provides just the “view” layer of application. Although that may be enough for certain uses, you may try and bring in more functionality to given projects. Vue-Router will do an excellent job for a simple routing mechanism. It is lightweight and guarantees to resolve and authorization checks prior to enabling a route. Vuex is a library inspired by Flux. It describes a better approach towards handling data all through the application. It will not send data down a chain of nested modules or send actions back up to parent components. In fact, it will allow users get a central store for creating actions and varied trees of data for application.